Monday, January 16, 2012

New Year, new blogs...

I have been a terrible blogger these last few weeks. I think it is just better to say we've been busy.  Life has been fun and full.  We are healthy and happy.
I have been knitting a new project and crafting up some decorations for my sparsely furnished home.
I have taught me self how to use a sewing machine! Look out world I'm-a-sewin'!
We've been cooking up a storm too.

Here are some pictures...

Singing in the rain...

Back yard beauty...


Chocolate sauce...

Hot chocolate on a cold night...

my buns...

She said she knew he was not the real Santa...

Happy New Year!!!

Vegetarian Chili...

Vegan Cupcakes...Jelly donut cupcakes

My Kindle case...

Making things...

Happy New Year to all who read this.  May your lives be full and fun.

Thanx for reading,

xoxo J

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Thanks for the update. Clearly you have been too busy being AMAZING!
